Customer Testimonials

We've used nopCommerceTemplate's services on multiple occasions and have been extremely happy with their work ethic, quality and skill. It's so rare these days to find someone like them who are so easy to work with and true to their word. With every project when they committed to a completion date it was done on time like clockwork. They are very knowledgeable programmers and among the best we've worked with. We highly recommend them for your programming and web development needs!

Eric Stoffers | ProActive Design
Tel: 414-708-0777

I was in search of a nopCommerce expert and am fortunate to have found nopCommerceTemplate. They did a superb job in understanding my website vision and bringing it to life. They have excellent communication and are extremely responsive and detailed in answering my questions and requests. Pricing was very reasonable. If you are looking for a nopCommerce expert that communicates, is organized and truly understands programming, then look no further than nopCommerceTemplate. I could not have asked for a better experience.

Susan Tannura | CardStock Shop

When my company decided to use the nopCommerce platform we were not experienced with the ASP.NET platform and quickly realized we needed professional support for the design and functionality. Fortunately, we contacted nopCommerce Template Support! Their expertise with .aspx programming and the nopCommerce platform in general has resulted in two websites our company is proud to display for our customers that includes many customizations and enhancements from the basic NopCommerce platform. Their communication response to questions and issues has always been superb and pricing is extremely competitive. I would highly recommend nopCommerce services to anyone seeking custom ecommerce and ASP.NET development from true experts in the field.

John Younce | VeraLED, LLC

nopCommerceTemplates has performed excellent technical work for our Company. Their work has revolved around customizing the nopCommerce Multi-tier Web applications. Their attention to details and promptness while engineering and developing custom MSSQL and .NET applications has been extremely valuable to our company’s internet applications success. Through customizing our e-commerce solution, it allows us to provide custom features such as, discounts for both dealers and retail customers, custom templates, searches and improved shoppers experience. When developing custom features or templates they always ensures there development is validated and working 100% before delivered and implemented into our production store. We would recommend his services to any client seeking custom ecommerce, ASP.NET development with a professional touch

Brian Swikert | Mirage Trailer Parts

nopCommerceTemplate has always done an excellent job for us. He has a complete grasp of nopCommerce, and SQL database programming and gets jobs done on time for a great price. He always makes sure we are satisfied with his work and will keep working on a project until we are completely satisfied. I would highly recommend Aamir from

Weldon Hostetler | Eric's Outdoor Furniture

We have been very much impressed by nopCommerceTemplate who has carried out a lot of development work for me in the past three years for our various projects and we are extremely happy with the high level of service and attention to detail. I would have no hesitation in recommending his services to any business.

Patrick Hegarty | Digital Door Image & Web Services

nopCommerceTemplate upgraded our website to 3.1 at a very reasonable price, very professional work and great response to our needs. We do recommend them very highly.

Rafael Pariente | Southernmerchant